where our hearts go


The Super Cheesy Cliche High School Romcom no one asked for.

It starts when Campus Crush and Star Quarterback Sven falls heads-over-heels in love with New Student and Drama Club Queen Romelle.
He asks his cousin Shiro to help slip a love letter to her locker, but the plan encounters a hitch when Shiro is caught by none other than Romelle’s brother: Keith.


You can find art of this series in my art blog: #we-just-fall-where-our-hearts-go.

There are 3 works in this series.

The Super Cheesy Cliche High School Romcom no one asked for.

In which Keith and Romelle are siblings, Shiro and Sven are cousins, and everything changes when Sven sees Romelle and falls head-over-heels in love.

Teen (13+)
Chapters: 6
Words: 14,178

Shiro has a truck, which qualifies him to meet the rest of Keith’s family.
Romelle tags along because it’s fun.

Teen (13+)
Chapters: 5
Words: 14,125

Keith out of leather and punk is just as bad, if not actually worse, for Shiro’s poor heart.

Teen (13+)
Words: 6,937
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