Tag: Developing Relationship
House Dreyar
“This is Freed.” was how the Duke introduced the young man to her. “I am not fond of sharing him, but I will do so with you. Feel special yet?”
Duke Dreyar invited her to come over for a cup of afternoon tea, and then promptly left her with his secretary. And there she was – Lucy Heartfilia, all sixteen years of her noble education, good manners, social graces and prestigious upbringing already cemented into her being… and she still did not quite know how to handle the man before her.
(A look into the beginnings of the friendship between Lucy and Laxus.)
A Story of Destiny Begins
“Um, Keith?” Hunk started, voice gentle, as if he was about to break a very harsh truth to an unsuspecting person. “You’ve been sneaking out of class and someone reported finding you two walking out of a broom closet, and apparently – while the credibility of this one is questionable and I swear I’ll believe you if you say it’s not true because I trust you – Shirogane was seen sneaking out from your bedroom window.”
Well, shit.
He’s gonna kill Shiro.
Wait. Keith is gonna take a sword to the gut for Shiro so they’ll finally be even… and then he’ll kill Shiro.
We Are Young
They’re teenagers, they’re young and they can worry about love and life.
A collection of character and relationship-centric, interrelated stories about some students of Fairy Gakuen.
Flowers in Her Hair
Yukiatsu finds the little forget-me-not hair clip in his drawer and wonders if anyone would want to accept something originally meant for someone else.
Five Reasons
Tsuruko can enumerate five more reasons why she’s still in love with Yukiatsu.
Something Lasting
How Kenji sees Sophia through their long partnership
Ten Things
Daidouji Tomoyo, in the eyes of Hiiragizawa Eriol, through the years.